limes datentechnik gmbh 1.12.2005 Philipp-Reis-Passage 2 D 61381 Friedrichsdorf Tel. 06172-591930 Fax 06172-591939 eMail Installation of FLAM VERSION 41A for BS2000: flamv41a.bin and install are files to be transfered to your BS2000 host using a file-transfer product. Example for WINDOWS FTP BS2000 userid password account PUT INSTALL P.INSTALL file with character translation BINARY QUOTE FTYP BINARY QUOTE FILE *,FCBTYPE=PAM,BLKSIZE=(STD,2) PUT FLAMV41A.BIN binary PAM-file BYE If you work with other file transfer- or operating systems transfer the files analog to the example. You can start now the installation procedure under the userid choosen: /DO P.INSTALL The Handbuch as a PDF-file for the AcrobatReader is also part of the CD: handbuch.pdf limes datentechnik gmbh, 1.12.2005