flucFS [-h] | [-l log-file] [-L log-level] [-f] [-q] fluc-root user-dir

flucFS2 [-h] | [-l log-file] [-L log-level] [-f] [-e] [-q] fluc-root user-dir

flucFSview [-h] | [-l log-file] [-L log-level] [-f] [-q] fluc-root user-dir view-name

flucFS2view [-h] | [-l log-file] [-L log-level] [-f] [-e] [-q] fluc-root user-dir view-name

Configuration tools:

flucFSconf [-c r|w] [-h|-l|-L|-d index] fluc-root

flucFSconf [-c r|w] -m index -n new-index fluc-root

flucFSconf [-c r|w] -i index [-o flags] -p pattern -t targetPattern -s fileString -f formatString fluc-root

flucFSviewconf [-h|-l|-L|-d index] fluc-root view-name

flucFSviewconf -m index -n new-index fluc-root view-name

flucFSviewconf -i index [-o flags] -p pattern -t targetPattern -s fileString -f formatString fluc-root view-name


flucFS is using FUSE to mount an existing directory in some other folder. Everything written to the mounted folder is transparently converted, encrypted, compressed as defined in the configuration. If no match is found in its configuration, the data is passed through without any change. The configuration is done with the argument strings of the FLUC byte interface API. However, since flucFS is a filesystem and uses only the read and write functions of the API, the element access features of the API are not useable with flucFS.

flucFS2 provides the same functionality as flucFS but uses the older version 2 of FUSE. This should only be used on systems without support of FUSE version 3.

flucFSconf is a command line utility to view and modify the configuration of flucFS. A fast memory mapped database is used to store configuration and meta data. This database is stored in a subdirectory of fluc-root with the name .flucIndex. flucFSconf will check the formatString and fileString arguments for correct syntax before storing them. On error, the exit code is set accordingly and a detailed error message is printed on stderr.

A graphical user interface to view and modify flucFS configuration is part of the Frankenstein Limes Control Center flcc.

flucFSview will read only mount an existing directory in some other folder. This view of the directory can be configured separately and defines what is visible and how.

flucFS2view provides the same functionality as flucFSview but uses the older version 2 of FUSE. This should only be used on systems without support of FUSE version 3.

flucFSviewconf is a command line utility to view and modify the configuration of flucFSview.

The fuse kernel module must be loaded in order to use any fuse filesystem. This kernel module is usually installed with the linux kernel.




print usage information


set name of log-file


set level/amount of log output to one of: error, info, debug or trace. Error is default


run in foreground


allow to use nonempty user-dir (only needed if FUSE_VERSION = 2)


keep quiet



print usage information


list all config entries


list all config entries in machine readable format


select read or write configuration [default: write]


delete config entry with index


move config entry from index to new-index


index to store config entry


set option flags of the entry as integer. default is 0. currntly flucFS uses two flags:

  • DISABLE: this entry is never used

  • USE_IR: the stored inverse read string is only used when this flag ist set.


set pattern for file name matching


set targetPattern to build physical filename


set fileString


set formatString


To mount the folder /var/data on the folder /home/hugo/mydata execute this command:

     flucFS -l logfile /var/data /home/hugo/mydata

If this is started from within the folder /home/hugo it can be abbreviated with

    flucFS -l logfile /var/data mydata

If no logfile is specified, flucFS will NOT run as daemon and the logging is done to stderr.

To unmount the filesystem execute

     fusermount -u /home/hugo/mydata

or, if it was not running as a daemon, just hit <Ctrl\>-c


flucFS uses 2 configuration tables, one for read requests and one for write requests. The pattern value is applied to the filename of a request. If the filename is matching the config entry is used for the request. The first matching entry will be used. The order of the entries is controlled by the integer index value. The matching is done in increasing index order. If no matching entry is found the request is passed through without any data modification.

If the useIR flag is set the read configuration is only used for files unknown to flucFS, because they were NOT created by writing to the mounted folder. When reading files previously written to the mounted folder flucFS knows how to read them by using the meta data stored on write.

If the useIR flag is not set only the read configuration is used for all files.

Config entries where the DISABLE flag is set are ignored by flucFS.

Example output of a flucFS configuration:

    $ flucFSconf -l froot
    list entries in froot
    10,enabled,useIR:*.txt:[copy].gz:OUTPUT(SAV.FILE(CNV.GZP(CMPLEV=LEV6) FIO.BLK(NAME=''))):FORMAT.BINARY()
    30,enabled,useIR:tlog/*:[copy].xz:WRITE.BINARY(FILE='' COMPRESS.XZ()):FORMAT.BINARY()

    $ flucFSconf -c r -l froot
    list entries in froot

In this example all files with the extension .txt will be comressed with gzip. All files in the folder froot/tlog will be tranparently compressed with xz. If flucFS gets a request to read a file which it does not now about, because it was NOT written to the mounted folder but to the froot folder, it will decompress all files with the extension .gz with gzip automatically. Other files are read without any conversion.


Due to its implementation design the logical view provided in the mounted folder might show more than one file with the same name if used in irrational ways. For example writing the file hugo.txt in the logical folder and another file with the same name to the root folder.



On success the exit status is 0, otherwise if it is:

smaller than 0: a usage error of flucFSconf like missing to specify an required argument or an invalid index value

bigger than 0: a syntax error in the given fileString or formatString


fuse(8) fusermount3(1) fusermount(1) flcl(1)


If a mount command fails with this message:

    fuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied


The permissions of the device node /dev/fuse must allow read and write for any user in order to mount a FUSE filesystem by a user other than root. This can be done by executing:

    chmod ugo+rw /dev/fuse

If a mount command fails with this message:

    version `FUSE_2.8' not found (required by ./flucFS2)

the FUSE library is too old for the shipped flucFS2.


  • Get a newer version of , at least 2.8.

  • Or contact limes datentechnik to provide You with a version of flucFS2, built for such an old library. 2.8.0 was released on August 18th 2009 (see: FUSE releases)


Copyright (C) 2018 limes datentechnik gmbh