FLAM4 SEPA Archive Interface (z/OS only)
Data types

Definition of used data structures for FLAM 4 SEPA APIs. More...

Data Structures

struct  F4sLoad
 Parameter structure to load an archive. More...
struct  F4sNfHeader
 Header structure for a lookup request. More...
union  F4sNfTab
 Overlay/Union for the different request structure arrays. More...
struct  F4sSearchIn
 Input parameter structure for lookups in an archive. More...
struct  F4sUpdateIn
 Input parameter structure to update records in or delete from an archive. More...
struct  F4sMigrateIn
 Input parameter structure to migrate the signature file of the SEPA archive. More...
struct  F4sGenerateIn
 Input parameter structure to generate the signature file of the SEPA archive. More...
struct  F4sOut
 Output structure. More...
struct  F4sNfEntry21
 Parameter structure to define the search field for an research in an archive. More...


typedef struct F4sLoad TsF4sLoad
 Parameter structure to load an archive.
typedef struct F4sNfHeader TsF4sNfHeader
 Header structure for a lookup request.
typedef union F4sNfTab TuF4sNfTab
 Overlay/Union for the different request structure arrays.
typedef struct F4sSearchIn TsF4sSearchIn
 Input parameter structure for lookups in an archive.
typedef struct F4sUpdateIn TsF4sUpdateIn
 Input parameter structure to update records in or delete from an archive.
typedef struct F4sMigrateIn TsF4sMigrateIn
 Input parameter structure to migrate the signature file of the SEPA archive.
typedef struct F4sGenerateIn TsF4sGenerateIn
 Input parameter structure to generate the signature file of the SEPA archive.
typedef struct F4sOut TsF4sOut
 Output structure.
typedef struct F4sNfEntry21 TsF4sNfEntry21
 Parameter structure to define the search field for an research in an archive.

Detailed Description

Definition of used data structures for FLAM 4 SEPA APIs.

Typedef Documentation

◆ TsF4sLoad

typedef struct F4sLoad TsF4sLoad

Parameter structure to load an archive.

Defines the dataset with a list of DSNs for FLAMFILEs containing the load records. The dataset must contain a FLAMFILE name or a comment per record. A comment starts with a star '*' in the first column. All other lines are interpreted as data set name. The maximum supported record length is 128. You can provide FB or VB (max 124 character) data sets.

The number of datasets read from the list dataset can be limited. An error will occur at the end (anything was done) if the amount of datasets was not read. There could be more datasets in the list file than defined via AnzDsNames. If the amount is 0, then all dataset names are read from the list dataset.

The archive consists of 4 FLAMFILEs. For each FLAMFILE, the DD name must be provided. It is the responsibility of the user to allocated these datasets correctly depending on the used version.

The function returns a two digit return code ('12') and an error text. If the return code was initialized with '02', then appending to the archive is activated, with '03' the append is done with plausibility check of member names (required for archive older than version 23). With '10' you can enforce the late open at load. This means that no FLAMFILE clusters are written, if no records provided at initial load. With '12' or '13' you deactivate the late open for append and enforce the behavior before FLAM version 5.1.28.

If the error text is initialized with LOGx (x=1/2/3), a log is written to SYSOUT with the requested depth.

If the function was successful, the return code is "00" and statistics are written as error text. In all other cases, the function return "12" and an error message.

The data structure in Cobol

 01  LG-PARMS.
       15  LIST-DATASET      PIC X(44)
              VALUE "FLAM.F4S21.DATEI.LISTE1".
       15  ANZ-DS-NAMES      PIC 9(05) VALUE 4.
       15  DDN-SIG           PIC X(8)  VALUE "DDSIG".
       15  DDN-TRA           PIC X(8)  VALUE "DDTRA".
       15  DDN-XLM           PIC X(8)  VALUE "DDXML1".
       15  DDN-XLM           PIC X(8)  VALUE "DDXML2".
    10 LN-RC                 PIC 9(02).
       88  RCOK              VALUE ZERO.
       88  RCNOK             VALUE 12.
    10 ERROR-TEXT            PIC X(80).

◆ TsF4sNfHeader

typedef struct F4sNfHeader TsF4sNfHeader

Header structure for a lookup request.

This header structure consists of 2 IDs provided by the requester and the number of matches found by this function while processing the lookup request. This structure is also the prefix of each result record found for this request. The only difference is that the result record contains the sequence number of matches and at the end of the lookup function, acAnzResults contains the total number of matched records for this request.

The data structure in Cobol

      10 NF-ID.
         15  ID-BT    PIC 9(08) VALUE ZERO.
         15  IDNR     PIC 9(05) VALUE ZERO.

◆ TuF4sNfTab

typedef union F4sNfTab TuF4sNfTab

Overlay/Union for the different request structure arrays.

In this form of the interface, a new search field will result in an extended lookup structure. This means that for each extension of the search field, a new request structure must be defined.

◆ TsF4sSearchIn

typedef struct F4sSearchIn TsF4sSearchIn

Input parameter structure for lookups in an archive.

This structure contains the four dataset names (DSN) for the SEPA archive. The maximum number of search results per request can be defined (0 = unlimited) and a maximum of 50 requests can be specified per lookup.

The data structure in COBOL

      10  DSN-SIG  PIC X(44) VALUE "FLAM.F4S21.SIGDAT.VR8".
      10  DSN-TRA  PIC X(44) VALUE "FLAM.F4S21.TRADAT.VR8".
   05 MAX-RESULTS     PIC 9(06) VALUE 10.
   05 ANZ-NF          PIC 9(02) VALUE 11.

◆ TsF4sUpdateIn

typedef struct F4sUpdateIn TsF4sUpdateIn

Input parameter structure to update records in or delete from an archive.

This structure consists of three data set names. The first DSN defines the FLAMFILE containing the transaction records to be updated. The other two DSN are the signature and transaction FLAMFILE of the SEPA archive. A flag activates deletion of the defined record.

For deleting a record, only the transaction key (first 50 bytes) must be provided. For updating, the complete transaction record including a correct length field for the used version must be specified. The record can be longer (e.g. the load dataset). The length field of length 5 at offset 50 is used for update.

To update a record, the version 23 of the FLAM 4 SEPA archive with a KSDS for the signature file is required. The function internally calls the migrate function to ensure this.

The data structure in COBOL

      10  DELETE   PIC X(1)  VALUE "N".
      10  DSN-UPD  PIC X(44) VALUE "FLAM.F4S21.UPDATE.VR8".
      10  DSN-SIG  PIC X(44) VALUE "FLAM.F4S21.SIGDAT.VR8".
      10  DSN-TRA  PIC X(44) VALUE "FLAM.F4S21.TRADAT.VR8".

◆ TsF4sMigrateIn

typedef struct F4sMigrateIn TsF4sMigrateIn

Input parameter structure to migrate the signature file of the SEPA archive.

This structure consists of two data set names. The first DSN defines the signature file to be rewritten (remove, disp=new allocation, open write, close and de-allocation). The second name is the transaction data set of the SEPA archive.

Migration is only executed if the signature file is in an older version than the current version of the load module or if the signature length has changed or the file organization or record format mismatch. Otherwise, the signature file is not re-written. To rewrite the signature file, the migrate function calls the generate function internally.

The data structure in COBOL

      10  DSN-SIG  PIC X(44) VALUE "FLAM.F4S21.SIGDAT.VR8".
      10  DSN-TRA  PIC X(44) VALUE "FLAM.F4S21.TRADAT.VR8".

◆ TsF4sGenerateIn

Input parameter structure to generate the signature file of the SEPA archive.

This structure consists of one DD name and one data set name. The first DD name defines the signature file to be re-written and the second DSN the transaction data set of the SEPA archive.

Through the static allocation of the signature file, the user can ensure enough space and must define the correct attributes depending on the version of the archive.

The data structure in COBOL

      10  DDN-SIG  PIC X(8)  VALUE "DDSIGNAT".
      10  DSN-TRA  PIC X(44) VALUE "FLAM.F4S21.TRADAT.VR8".

◆ TsF4sOut

typedef struct F4sOut TsF4sOut

Output structure.

This structure consists of a two digit return code and 80 bytes of error text. If the error text has been initialized with LOGn, then SYSOUT logging in the defined depth (n=0-9) is activated. Currently, the maximum level is 4 which is used by the update and research function. All other functions have a maximum log level of 3. Additionally, sequential search can be activated for the lookup function with 'SEQ' starting at the 5th byte, which ignores the signature file. This is mainly for verification.

At load, appending (reload) to the archive can be activated if the return code is initialized with '02' or '03' where the latter activates an additional plausibility check of the existing FLAMFILEs. For the initial load an return code of '10' result in open of FLAMFILEs only if records provided. This behavior is default at append since version 5.1.28 of FLAM to prevent the mismatch error of the identifier in the plausibility check at lookup.

At lookup, the first digit of the return code can be used to select one of the following options:

  • '1' - write the result data set in fixed length (32144)
  • '2' - don't initialize the result data set each time
  • '3' - '1' and '2' combined

The second digit can be used for:

  • '1' - deactivate plausibility check of member names (required for archive older than version 23)
  • '2' - don't stop statistics (total match counter) if requested number of matches (MaxResult) found
  • '3' - '1' and '2' combined

In case of an error, "12" and an error message is written to these fields.

ATTENTION: It is necessary to deactivate the plausibility check if an append has been made without any records and the signature file is not a KSDS (version 22 or older). In this case the empty member will be found as the first record in the 3 KSDS datasets and as the last record in the signature file and the comparison of the identifier will result in a mismatch. To avoid this error, the second digit of the return code must be initialised with '1' or '2'. With the latest build of version 5.1.28, the 4 FLAMFILES are opened after the first record is read. If no record is provided, the FLAMFILES are not touched. This means that since this change the problem can no longer be produced, but there may still be archives containing this problem.

The data structure in COBOL

   05 RETCO           PIC 9(02).
      88  RCOK         VALUE ZERO.
      88  RCNOK        VALUE 12.
   05 ERROR-TEXT      PIC X(80).

◆ TsF4sNfEntry21

typedef struct F4sNfEntry21 TsF4sNfEntry21

Parameter structure to define the search field for an research in an archive.

This structure is used to define the fields search for. Each field different to low values will be included into the research.

The data structure in Cobol

      10 SEARCH-DATA.
         15  NSYSTEM  PIC X(01).
         15  NBTAG    PIC 9(08).
         15  OUT-TX-KEY.
             20 OUTFLID    PIC X(07).
             20 OUTBKID    PIC 9(03).
             20 OUTBKTXNR  PIC 9(07).
         15  IN-TX-KEY.
             20 INFLID     PIC X(07).
             20 INBKID     PIC 9(03).
             20 INBKTXNR   PIC 9(07).
         15  REFRENCES.
             20 SVCID       PIC X(03).
             20 MSGID-IN    PIC X(35).
             20 FLHDRID-IN  PIC X(16).
             20 MSGID-OUT   PIC X(35).
             20 FLHDRID-OUT PIC X(16).
             20 PAYMNTINFID PIC X(35).
             20 ORDBNKID    PIC X(35).
         15  PMTTYP.
             20 PTYP-IN     PIC X(06).
             20 PTYP-OUT    PIC X(06).
         15  CREDITOR.
             20 CREDACCIBAN PIC X(34).
             20 CREDAGTBIC  PIC X(11).
         15  DEBITOR.
             20 DEBTAGTBIC  PIC X(11).
             20 DEBTACCIBAN PIC X(34).
         15  AMOUNTS.
             20 TOT-INBK    PIC 9(18).
             20 TOT-OUTBK   PIC 9(18).
             20 TXAMNT      PIC 9(18).
         15  ROUTING.
             20 LTWBIC      PIC X(11).
             20 LTWACCOUNT  PIC 9(10).
             20 LTWIBAN     PIC X(34).
         15  ERRORS.
             20 ERRCDEXT    PIC X(04).
         15  SDD.
             20 MNDTREF     PIC X(35).
             20 CREIDTX     PIC X(35).
             20 BLKOBIC     PIC X(11).
         15  T2.
             20 ENDTOENDID  PIC X(35).
         15  AUSBLIC.
             20 STATAKT     PIC 9(3).
             20 TXBUCHST    PIC X(3).
         15  ORG-TX-ID      PIC X(35).
         15  SEPA2020.
              20 REASON-RTRANS PIC X(04).