Password Handling

Several components allow entering passwords, for example to encrypt files or establish SSH connections. Putting such sensitive information inside a script, a JCL or entering it directly on the command line can be serious security issue. Therefore, any string assingment within a command can be sourced out to a file which is much easier protected against prying eyes.


The prefix 'f' tells CLE/P that the string must be read from the specified filename. The file itself must contain the CLE/P string value.

With SSH you can provide the password as part of the URL:


In this case, it may not be very useful to put the whole URL inside a file. Instead, the password can be specified through the corresponding NET object, where the password is a separate parameter. The rest of the connection information can remain in the URL:


If you wish, you could also put all connections parameters inside the NET object, so that the URL form is not needed:

   net.ssh(user=max password=f'pwdfile.txt')

If a connection parameter is specified in the URL as well a in the SSH NET object, the values from the URL takes precedence. The special replacement capabilities (~) for file names, however, are only available for the URL. In the NET.SSH object only the simple string replacements (<cuser>) can be used.

Sometimes it is convenient to use a parameter file for an object, overlay or command which contains the password.


All these capabilities can be used to protect passphrases, but we recommend to use public key authentication with SSH and the use of our key management extension (FKME/FKM5) for PGP or FLAMFILEs to protect the keys by professional cryptographic infrastructure (e.g. with a HSM (hardware security module)).