Special Condition Codes

Special condition codes are issued for a dedicated job/batch control. For error conditions, which must be handled in a special way, the condition codes below are defined.

Defined compression limit was not achieved but the requested operation was done (FLMRTC_LIM).
During decompression, the input file has not been recognized as being a FLAM compressed file. The very beginning of the file is corrupted to such an extent that the FLAM syntax cannot be recognized or the file is empty (FLMRTC_CFF).
On charset detection, a text encoded in UTF-8 may erroneously be detected as an ASCII-based charset if the first block of data contains only ASCII characters (<128). In consequence, character conversion will eventually run into an "malformed encoding" (ENOMSG) error on the first multi-byte character which results in this condition code. In this case, it makes sense to re-run the command with the correct ASCII CCSID, for example Latin-1 (FLMRTC_TAS).
The default (64 KiB) or the set block size is too small. Please restart the job with a larger block size. This could happen, for example, if PGP is used with BZIP2 compression and large (900 KiB) blocks. In this case, 1 MiB would be a reasonable block size (FLMRTC_NBS).