
HELP:   Description of columns in the row


Describes how a table column is written to the output, the format of the column, which post-processing steps are run (e.g. encryption) and how the produced data is put together to build a row/record.

The value parameter allows to specify a default value for a column. If the column does not exist in the original, this default is used. With this mechanism, columns with constant values can be added. The parameter is a string and must represent the value depending on the column type:

You can control over the selection INSERT the error handling. If the INSERT parameter not defined and a default value is given, then INSERT will be set to POSSIBLE else to NOTALLOWED by default. You can enforce an error if the column present but INSERT is set to REQUIRED. You can additional disallow insertion if you define INSERT to NOTALLOWED. If you only provide the INSERT keyword this will assumed as POSSIBLE.

The neutral format of the data can be validated or manipulated using a regular expression.

A column specification supports many powerful features which can be accessed with the parameters below.
