
HELP:   Only character conversion


The ICNV command converts local or remote files from one character encoding to another encoding set. More precisely, it converts the input file from the encoding given for the FROM option to an output file where the encoding is given in the TO option. Both encodings must be defined and supported by the platform you are running on.

During this it supports:

The ICNV command runs the character conversion as part of the read operation of the Frankenstein Limes Universal Converter (FLUC). As default the block oriented binary read and write of files is used. With the keyword RECORD it will be possible to switch to record oriented binary read and write IO operations. Only binary formatting of the data is used. All the other conversion capabilities of FLUC are not available with this command.

To get syntax information, please use:


To get help for a parameter, please use:

   flcl HELP ICNV.parameter[.parameter[...]]

To read the manual page for a parameter, please use:

   flcl MANPAGE ICNV.parameter[.parameter[...]]

To generate the user manual for the command, please use:

   flcl GENDOCU ICNV=filename

Parameters can be defined by the command line (directly or per file) or by properties taken from the corresponding property file


   flcl ICNV in='input.txt' out='output.txt'
             from='UTF-8' to='ISO-8859-1' mode=ignore

converts input from Unicode to the old West-European encoding ISO-8859-1 and discards non convertible characters in the output

   flcl ICNV in='input.txt' out='ssh://<cuser>@server1/output.txt'
             from='ISO-8859-1' to='UTF-8'

converts input from the old West-European encoding ISO-8859-1 to unicode on and write to a remote system.
