Help for FLCL

Here you can see the static main help for this program. This content is printed on the screen if the built-in function HELP is used without any further arguments.

Help for program 'flcl':
--| Commands - to execute powerful subprograms
--|--| flcl INFO     - Provides various information
--|--| flcl CONV     - Simplified data conversion
--|--| flcl XCNV     - Extended data conversion
--|--| flcl ICNV     - Only character conversion
--|--| flcl FLAM     - Flam4 utility command
--|--| flcl GREP     - Find pattern in files
--|--| flcl XCHK     - Extended data validation
--|--| flcl HASH     - Hash calculation/verification
--|--| flcl DIFF     - Compares two data sources
--|--| flcl UTIL     - Executes simply functions
--|--| flcl KEY      - Several key management functions
--| Built-in functions - to give interactive support for the commands above
--|--| flcl SYNTAX   - Provides the syntax for each command
--|--| flcl HELP     - Provides quick help for arguments
--|--| flcl MANPAGE  - Provides manual pages (detailed help)
--|--| flcl GENDOCU  - Generates auxiliary documentation (ASCIIDOC text format)
--|--| flcl HTMLDOC  - Generates the complete HTML documentation into a folder
--|--| flcl GENPROP  - Generates a property file
--|--| flcl SETPROP  - Activate a property file
--|--| flcl CHGPROP  - Change a property value in the currently active property file
--|--| flcl DELPROP  - Remove a property file from configuration
--|--| flcl GETPROP  - Show current properties
--|--| flcl SETOWNER - Defines the current owner
--|--| flcl GETOWNER - Show current owner setting
--|--| flcl SETENV   - Set an environment variable (defined in the config file)
--|--| flcl GETENV   - Show the environment variables (defined in the config file)
--|--| flcl DELENV   - Delete an environment variable (defined in the config file)
--|--| flcl LSTENV   - List status of all possible usable environment variables
--|--| flcl HLPENV   - List help message for all possible usable environment variables
--|--| flcl TRACE    - Manage trace capabilities
--|--| flcl CONFIG   - Shows or clear all the current configuration settings
--|--| flcl GRAMMAR  - Shows the grammar for commands and properties
--|--| flcl LEXEMES  - Shows the regular expressions accepted in a command
--|--| flcl LICENSE  - List license information for the program
--|--| flcl VERSION  - List version information for the program
--|--| flcl ABOUT    - Show information about the program
--|--| flcl ERRORS   - Show information about return and reason codes of the program
For more information please use the built-in function 'MANPAGE'